Hazleton Area Camera Club
Welcome to the Hazleton Camera Club web site
The Hazleton Camera Club (HCC) is an organization of photography enthusiasts. It is open to anyone interested in
photography and its members span the spectrum from relative beginner to rather sophisticated amateur
photographers. Current members are interested, to varying degrees, in photographic techniques, cameras and
their various features, and post-processing practices. The club is an open forum where members are comfortable
asking and responding to questions. Members are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise with others
and sometimes demonstrations and presentations are made by club members. Since photography is an
experiential endeavor, everyone is encouraged to take photos and to evolve by experimenting with various
techniques, methods, and processes. To accomplish that goal, at each club meeting there is a monthly
photographic competition. That competition is described in detail below.
The Hazleton Camera Club Monthly Photo Competition
The Competition
Each month (except for December) the Hazleton Camera Club holds a photo competition. A theme for the month
is known in advance and each club member is encouraged to submit one or two photos illustrating that theme.
Once the photos have been submitted and displayed, each club member completes a ballot recording their 1st, 2nd 3rd, and 4th place choices for their most favorite entry. The ballots are then tabulated, and the results are
announced. An article containing the 1
st place photo along with the names of the winners of the competition is
subsequently published in the Standard Speaker Newspaper and the winning photos are displayed on the Hazleton
Camera Club’s homepage.
1. By submitting a photo to a monthly competition, a member is certifying that he/she took the photo and
performed any processing of the photo.
2. Each submitted photo must be printed in either 4x6 inch or 5x7 inch format. The back of each photo must
contain the name of the submitter, the date of the competition, and the theme of the competition.
3. To submit a photo, a member must be physically present at the corresponding meeting.
4. If a member submits a photo in the competition, he/she cannot vote for it during the voting process.
5. If a photo has won 1st,2nd,3rd, or 4th place in any monthly competition, it cannot be entered in any future
monthly competition.
6. Any software designed for the purpose of processing photos may be used.
7. Any feature supported by a member’s camera may be employed.
Choosing Themes
Each camera club member is asked to submit prospective monthly competition themes at the club’s October
meeting. A list of possible themes is created from these submissions and a ballot containing the choices is
generated. At the November meeting of the club, members vote to choose themes for the next year. The ballot
contains a list of the possible themes, and each member marks the themes which they approve. The ballots are
tabulated and the eleven themes with the most approval votes become the themes for the next calendar year
(January through November). Any ties during the voting process are broken by random choice. The result of this
approval election is announced during this November meeting and one of the eleven winning themes is chosen to
be the theme for the upcoming January Meeting. When the club meets in January, each of the remaining ten
winning themes is assigned to a month (February through November) by a process which involves a discussion
among the club members present.
If you are a person interested in Photography and techniques and friendship then come join us.
Our Meetings are held the 4th Monday of each month, at 6:30 pm at
the Conyngham Borough Building.
​ 215 South Main Street Conyngham, PA 18219
Club dues are $10.00 per year.
For more info please email us at Hazcameraclub2@gmail.com